It is very important to know the shipping policy of a shopping website. After all you have to keep it in mind that when you are going to get the goods right on your doorsteps then you need to pay some extra bucks for the delivery. Now many of the sellers do not charge you for the shipping at all, while many may charge you for small things as well. So it is very important to get aware of the shipping charges and the policies regarding the same. The shipping charges vary from seller to seller because it depends on a number of factors like the weight and size of the articles purchased the location of dispatch and so on. The only thing that you have to keep in mind that you have to pay more than the price of the commodity shown he website. That extra amount is the shipping charge.
Dropping the articles by your doorsteps is our prime concern. It should be in perfect condition. Thus we take utmost care while delivering the commodities at the right address and in the right state. It is for this very reason that we at AstroVidhya maintain some shipping policy for our products. Some of them are listed below.

The shipping charge as set by the seller will be displayed to the buyer before the purchase is made. The buyer should be very careful in taking that into notice before placing the order.

The shipment of an order will be made to a single address only. This address is to be specified clearly at the moment of the product purchase. If you want the articles to be delivered to different addresses then you need to add more than one article in the cart.

You get to know the estimated days the article will take to be delivered to you. Usually we try to ship you your parcel within four to seven business days. But during the festive weeks, the shipment may take more than the above mentioned period. This happens because of the heavy demand of the goods.

You can expect the sellers to ship out the consignments every day except the public holidays. So you need to calculate your delivery accordingly.

The sellers provide you shipment through renowned and trusted courier services to ensure you good quality products within a limited time.

After the purchase, you may follow up with your article by clicking on the “track your order” section.

You can even refuse the order on shipment if you think the product is not in good condition. You have to fill up a return policy form on the website once you return the order.

These are some of the policies that we abide by during shipping of your orders.

Should a situation arise where you require returning an item that does not meet your expectations you simply require getting touch with our customer service section by calling their toll free number +91 9993048033